
Dr. Soo Y. Chang

  • Carrer
    • 1989.05 ~            : Pohang University of Science & Technology, Professor
    • 2003.09 ~ 2004.05 : University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Visiting Associate Professor
    • 1995.09 ~ 1996.05 : University of Michigan, Visiting Associate Professor
    • 1988.06 ~ 1989.05 : Clemson University, Assistant Professor
  • Education
    • 1988 : Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, University of Michigan
    • 1983 : 2nd B.S in Applied Science & Business, University of San Francisco
    • 1982 : B.S in Physics, Yonsei University, Korea
  • Research Topic
    • Mathematical Programming
    • Machine Scheduling and Scheduling application
    • Network Design and Management
    • Financial Engineering
  • Office Tel. : 054-279-8241
  • E-mail :
  • International Publication
    • Patrick N. Bless, Diego Klabjan and Soo Y. Chang, “Heuristics for automated knowledge source integration and service composition” Computers & Operation Research, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 17 October 2006. 
    • Taebok Kim, Yushin Hong, Soo Young Chang, “Joint economic procurement-production-delivery policy for multiple items in a single-manufacturer, multiple-retailer system”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.103(1), , pp.199-208 Elsevier (2006). 
    • Won-young Shin, Soo Y. Chang, Jaewook Lee, Chi-Hyuck Jun, “Frequency Insertion Strategy for Channel Assignment Problem”, Wireless Networks, Vol.12(1), , pp.45-52 Springer (2006). 
    • Jongho Park, Soo Y. Chang , Kangbok Lee, “Online and semi-online scheduling of two machines under a grade of service provision”, Operations Operations Research Letters, Vol.34(6), pp.692-696 (2006).
    • Soo Y. Chang, Hark-Chin Hwang, Sanghyuck Park, “A two-dimensional vector packing model for the efficient use of coil cassettes”, Computers and Operations Research, , Vol.32(8), pp.2051-2058 (2006). 
    • In-Jun Jeong, Kwang-Jae Kim, Soo Y. Chang , “Optimal Weighting of Bias and Variance in Dual Response Surface Optimization”, Journal of Quality Technology, Vol.37(3), , pp.236-247 (2005). 
    • Soo Y. Chang, Hark-Chin Hwang, Jongho Park, “Semi-on-Line Parallel Machines Scheduling under Known Total and Largest Processing Times”, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol.48(1), , pp.1-8 (2005). 
    • Taebok Kim, Yushin Hong, Soo Young Chang, “Joint economic production-shipment policy in a single-manufacturer-multiple-item system”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, , Accepted (2005). 
    • Hark-Chin Hwang, Kangbok Lee, Soo Y. Chang, “The effect of machine availability on the worst-case performance of LPT”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.148(1), , pp.49-61 Elsevier Science B.V. (2005). 
    • Hark-Chin Hwang, Soo Y. Chang, “Order consolidation for batch processing”, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 9, Number 1, pp.121-138 (2005). 
    • Hark-Chin Hwang, Soo Y. Chang and Yushin Hong, “A Posterior Competitiveness for List Scheduling Algorithm on Machines with Eligibility Constraints”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.21(1), , pp.117-125 (2004.03). 
    • Hark-Chin Hwang, Soo Y. Chang and Kangbok Lee, “Parallel machines scheduling under a Grade of Service provision”, Computers and Operations Research, Vol.31(12 ), , pp.2055-2061 (2004)
    • Kangbok Lee, Soo Y. Chang, Yushin Hong, “Continuous slab caster scheduling and interval graphs”, Production Planning and Control, , pp.In Press Taylor and Francis (2004). 
    • Hyungwoo Park , Yushin Hong , Soo Young Chang, “An efficient scheduling algorithm for the hot coil making in the steel mini-mill”, Production Planning and Control, Vol.13(3), , pp.298-306 Taylor & Francis (2002.04.01). 
    • C. H. Kim and Y. Hong, Soo Y. Chang, “Optimal Production Run Length and Inspection Schedules in A Deteriorating Production Process”, IIE Transactions, Vol.33, pp.421-426 Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001). 
    • Myong-Rae Chang and Soo Y. Chang, “A heuristic method for self-healing ring design in a single-homing cluster”, Telecommunications Systems, Vol.14, No. 1-4, pp.175-195 Baltzer Science Publishers (2000.08). 
    • Soo Y. Chang, Myong-Rae Chang, Yushin Hong, “A Lot Grouping Algorithm for Continuous Slab Caster in an Integrated Steel Mill”, Production Planning and Control, Vol.11, No. 4, pp.363-368 Taylor & Francis Ltd. (2000.07). 
    • D. Seong, S. Y. Chang and Y. Hong , “An Algorithm for Buffer Allocation with Linear Resource Constraints in a Continuous Flow Production”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.17, pp.169-180 (2000). 
    • Soo Y. Chang, Hark-Chin Hwang, “The Worst-case analysis of the MULTIFIT algorithm for scheduling nonsimultaneous parallel machines”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.92, pp.135-147 Elsevier Science B.V. (1999). 
    • Soo Y. Chang, Y Hong, Joong H. Kim, Xere Kim, “A heuristic algorithm for minimizing maintenance workforce level”, Production Planning and Control, Vol.10, No. 8, pp.778-786 Taylor & Francis Ltd. (1999). 
    • Chi-Hyuck Jun, Soo Y. Chang, Yushin Hong, Heejoong Yang, “A Bayesian approach to prediction of system failure rates by criticalities under event trees”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.60-61, pp.623-628 Elsevier Science B.V. (1999). 
    • H.-C. Hwang, S. Y. Chang, “Parallel machines scheduling with machine shutdowns”, Computers and Mathematics with Application, Vol.36, pp.21-31 Pergamon (1998). 
    • S. Y. Chang, H Hwang, K. Murty, “Optimizing The Radial Component Insertion Operations on PCBs”, Applications of Combinatorial Optimization, Applied optimizations series volume 16., Editied by Gang Yu, Vol.16, pp.125-141 Kluwer Academic Publisher (1998). 
    • J. Ha, S. Choi, S. Shin, K. Chwa, and S. Chang, “On deciding 3D part disassemblability and surface machinability”, IIE Transaction, Vol.28, pp.847-854 Kluwer Academic Publishers (1996). 
    • D. Seong, S. Y. Chang and Y. Hong, “Heuristic Algorithms for Buffer Allocation in A Production Line with Unreliable Machines”, Int’l Journal of Production Research, Vol.33, 7, pp.1989-2005 (1995). 
    • Eui S Jung, Sungjoon Park, Soo Y. Chang, “A CSP Technique-Based Interactive Control Panel Layout”, Ergonomics, Vol.38(9), , pp.1884-1893 (1995). 
    • Soo Y. Chang, Katta G. Murty, “The Steepest Descent Gravitational Method For Linear Programming”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.25, pp.211-239 North-Holland (1989). 
    • Sung-Jin Chung, Katta G. Murty, Soo Y. Chang, “On K-triangle”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.15, pp.199-211 North-Holland (1986). 
  • Conferences
    • 박종혁, 홍유신, 장수영, “다품목 병렬 배취설비에서의 Dynamic Lot Sizing”, 1998 추계 대한산업공학회 논문집, , pp.318-322 대한산업공학회 (1998.10).
    • H. Park, Y. Hong, S. Y. Chang and S. Hwang, “An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Steel Making in Mini Mill”, 14th International Conference on Production Research, Vol.1, pp.454-457 Osaka, Japan (1997.08.04).
    • Jun, Chi-Hyuck, Soo Y. Chang, Yushin Hong and Heejoong Yang, “A Bayesian Approach to Prediction of System Failure Rates by Criticalities under Event Trees”, 14th International Conference on Production Research, Vol.1, pp.710-713 Osaka, Japan (1997.08.04).
    • 전치혁, 장수영, 홍유신, 양희중, “Event Tree를 이용한 치명도에 따른 시스템 고장률의 베이지안 분석”, 1996 대한설비관리학회 창립 학술발표대회 논문집, , pp.88-93 아주대학교,수원 (1996.11.01).
    • 박형우, 한 승아, 황 삼성, 홍 유신, 장 수영, “철강 Mini Mill에서의 생산 일정계획 시스템”, 대한산업공학회 ’96추계학술대회 논문집, , pp.27-31 대한산업공학회 (1996.11).
    • Choi, Woo-Yong, Soo Y. Chang and Chi-Hyuck Jun, “Determination of Feasible Region Existency in Convex Nonlinear Programming”, Proceedings of 20th Int’l Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, , pp.469-472 Kyongju, Korea (1996.10.06).
    • Soo Y. Chang, and Hark-Chin Hwang, “Deterministic Multiple Machine Scheduling under Machine Elligibility Constraints”, International Conference on Management Science and Economic Development of China, Vol.1, pp.63-71 Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. (1996.07.16).
    • Soo Y. Chang, Hark-Chin Hwang, and Katta Murty, “Combinatorial Optimization in Modern Manufacturing”, International Conference on Management Science and Economic Development of China, Vol.1, pp.104-114 Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. (1996.07.16).
    • 신동민, 박형우, 홍유신, 장수영, “철강 Mini Mill 공정의 생산일정계획”, 대한산업공학회 ’95추계학술대회 논문집, , pp.238-243 대한산업공학회 (1995.10).
    • C. -H. Jun, S. Y. Chang, Y. Hong and H. Yang, “Bayesian Reliability Prediction Under Event Trees”, Proc. of the 2nd SSAT Int’l Conf. on Reliability & Quality in Design, , pp.113-117 Orlando (1995.03).
    • In Jun Choi, C.H. Jun, S.Y. Chang, S.Y. Kang, S.M. Bae, “A Decision Support System for Optical Fiber Telecommunication Network Design”, Proc. of 3rd Conference of Association of Asian-Pacific OR Societies, Fukuoka, Japan (1994.07).
    • 이유근, 이승만, 전치혁, 최인준, 장수영, “연속소둔 공정의 작업단위 편성을 위한 발견적 기법”, 대한산업공학회-한국경영과학회 1994년 춘계 공동 학술대회 논문집, , pp.280~287 창원 (1994.04).
    • S. Y. Chang, I. J. Choi, “A Job Sequencing System for Cold Coil Production Process”, TIMS/ORSA, , pp.109 Boston, USA (1994).
    • S. Y. Chang, Y. Hong and C. -H. Jun, “Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Scheduling DHCR Process”, Int’l Conf. on Computerized Production Control in Steel Plant, , pp.464-470 Seoul (1993.11).
    • 이영엽, 도남철, 장수영, 최인준, 정무영, 박춘렬, “지식베이스를 이용한 CAD 도면에서의 BOM 자동 생성”, 1993년 한국자동제어 학회 추계 학술대회 논문집, , pp.151~155 서울 (1993.10).
    • 최인준, 전치혁, 장수영, 이유근, 이승만, “CSP에 근거한 일정계획 언어 개발에 관한 연구”, 대한산업공학회 1993년 추계학술대회 논문집, , pp.550 서울 (1993.10).
    • 정무영, 장수영, 최인준, 도남철, 이영엽, “Bar Code 시스템과 연계한 실시간 재고/출고 관리 시스템 개발”, 대한산업공학회 1993년 추계학술대회 논문집, , pp.625 서울 (1993.10).
    • 최인준, 전치혁, 장수영, 최문수, 안영신, 강상엽, “통신망 최적설계 및 성능예측을 위한 의사결정지원 시스템”, 한국경영과학회-대한산업공학회 1993 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 대구 (1993.04).
    • 이승만, 박철순, 전치혁, 장수영, 최인준, “냉연공정에서의 작업단위 편성”, 한국경영과학회-대한산업공학회 1993 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 대구 (1993.04).
    • 전치혁, 장수영, 최인준, 강상엽 안영신, 강상엽, “Constraint Logic Programming의 일정계획 응용”, 한국경영과학회 1992년 추계학술대회 논문집, 서울 (1992.09).
    • Y. Hong, D. Jeon and S. Y. Chang, “The Analysis of a Continuous Production Line with Unreliable Machines”, Int’l Symp. on Intelligent Process Automation, , pp.263-283 Taejon (1992.01).
    • 김종기, 홍유신, 장수영, “일정계획 문제를 위한 Constraint Satisfaction Problem Technique의 응용”, 대한산업공학회 ’91 추계학술대회논문집, , pp.213-226 서울 (1991.10).
  • Research Achievements
    • “전자컴퓨터 BK21 6차년도 국고지원금”, 한국학술진흥재단, 20040301-20050228
    • “BK21 사업 5차년도 국고지원금”, 한국학술진흥재단, 20030301-20040228
    • “철강 수송물류 효율성 제고 및 비용절감 방안”, 주식회사 포스코, 20020701-20040131
    • “BK21 사업 4차년도 국고지원금”, 한국학술진흥재단, 20020301-20040228
    • “출하차량 통합배차 Schedule 시스템 개발”, 주식회사 포스코, 20020101-20021231
    • “2001년 두뇌한국21 (BK21) 국고지원금”, 한국학술진흥재단, 20010301-20020228
    • “네트워크 장비를 위한 실시간 운영체제 개발(1/1)”, 신기술연구조합, 20000101-20010331
    • “BK21 정보기술분야 국고지원금”, 한국학술진흥재단, 19990901-20000228
    • 제철소 여재 Matching 부문의 최적화 Model 개발”, 포항종합제철(주), 19990701-20010131
    • “POSCO R&D 경영 진단 및 효율적 개선 방안 도출”, 포항종합제철(주), 19990101-19991231
    • “스테인레스 일정계획 알고리듬 개발”, 포항산업과학연구원, 19990101-19991130
    • “생산성을 고려한 1열연공장 Slab 장입 Pattern 연구”, 포항종합제철(주), 19970701-19990131
    • “열연 일정계획을 위한 최적 Scheduling 모델개발”, 포항종합제철(주), 19960601-19980131